How to do a two tunnel hop in WinSCP

This situation might not come up all that too often, but I found one instance where I needed to do it, so this is a quick write up on how to perform a two tunnel hop using WinSCP so you can easily do a file transfer to a remote server you can't directly access.

In this example we are trying to connect to server as the user anotheruser but the machine we're using cannot directly connect to it, only the can directly connect to it, but we're also unable to connect directly to can only be connected to from the server

We would have to perform a hop like so:

  • We connect to as user user.
  • connects to as user user.
  • connects to the final server as user anotheruser.

If you were just wanting to SSH into using the command-line, you could easily setup your user's ssh config file ~/.ssh/config like so. This is assuming you are using key based authentication.

Host first-server
  User user
  Port 22
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssh_key
Host second-server
  User user
  Port 22
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssh_key
  ProxyJump first-server
Host final-server
  User anotheruser
  Port 22
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssh_key
  ProxyJump second-server

Then you would just connect by using the command ssh final-server.

Since you're wanting to use WinSCP, this isn't as straight forward since you can only define a single SSH Tunnel in your WinSCP site settings but it is doable by using a Local Proxy Command and then defining an SSH Tunnel in the site's settings in WinSCP.

The first hop will use the Local Proxy Command and plink to connect to, the second hop will use the Tunnel to connect to and the final connection to is defined as the actual host of the site in WinSCP.

When you do this using the Local Proxy Command, you cannot use any sort of interactive authentication, so if you're using password authentication when connecting to you will need to specify the password to plink using the -pw switch. The recommendation is to use Pagent for public key authentication to the server

You will configure the site in WinSCP like below.

First Hop

This is the first server you are connecting to, in our case `' and this is configured on the Proxy page of the Advanced site settings for your site.

  • Proxy type: Local
  • Proxy host name:
  • User name: user
  • Local proxy command: plink.exe %user@%proxyhost -nc %host:%port
First hop Proxy settings

Second Hop

This is the second server you are connecting to, in our case `' and this is configured on the Tunnel page of the Advanced site settings for your site.

  • Connect through SSH tunnel: Checked
  • Host name:
  • User name: user
  • Password: You can specify a password if not using a private key.
  • Private key file: Specify your private key file if you're using key based authentication.
Second hop tunnel settings

Final Hop

The final hop is the connection to the final server we're trying to connect to, which in our case is as the user anotheruser. The connection information for this server is defined on the Login dialog for the WinSCP site.

  • File protocol: SFTP or SCP
  • Host name:
  • User name: anotheruser
  • Password: You can specify a password if not using a private key.
  • Private key: If you're using a private key, you will need to specify that key in the Advanced settings dialog for this site under SSH -> Authentication.
Final server settings